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List of pages:
- / Kontakt der Libreboot projekt
- / Contact the Libreboot project
- / Contatti
- /contact.html: Contact the Libreboot project
- / Контакты
- / Зв’язок
- /contrib.html: People who contributed to the Libreboot project
- /docs/bsd/: Install a BSD operating system on Libreboot
- /docs/bsd/ Операційні системи BSD
- /docs/build/: Compile Libreboot from source
- /docs/build/ Побудова з джерельного коду
- /docs/grub/: Libreboot GRUB payload documentation
- /docs/: Installing Libreboot Free/Opensource BIOS/UEFI firmware
- /docs/ Документація
- /docs/index.zh-cn.html: 文档
- /docs/install/acer_g43t-am3.html: Acer G43T-AM3 notes
- /docs/install/c201.html: Install Libreboot ASUS Chromebook C201
- /docs/install/chromebooks.html: Install Libreboot on a Chromebook
- /docs/install/d945gclf.html: Install Libreboot on Intel D945GCLF and/or D945GCLF2
- /docs/install/deguard.html: Disabling Intel Boot Guard on MEv11 for Libreboot installation
- /docs/install/dell3050.html: Install Libreboot on Dell OptiPlex 3050 Micro
- /docs/install/dell7010.html: Install Libreboot on Dell OptiPlex 7010/9010 SFF
- /docs/install/dell780.html: Install Libreboot on Dell OptiPlex 780 MT/USFF
- /docs/install/dell9020.html: Install Libreboot on Dell OptiPlex 9020 SFF/MT (or 7020), or XE2 MT/SFF
- /docs/install/dell_thermal.html: Dell Latitude thermal throttling
- /docs/install/devmem.html: Disabling /dev/mem protections on Linux and BSD
- /docs/install/ga-g41m-es2l.html: Install Libreboot on Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L
- /docs/install/hp2170p.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 2170p
- /docs/install/hp2560p.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 2560p
- /docs/install/hp2570p.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 2570p
- /docs/install/hp8200sff.html: Install Libreboot on HP Elite 8200 SFF/MT and 6200 Pro Business
- /docs/install/hp820g2.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 820 G2
- /docs/install/hp8300usdt.html: Install Libreboot HP Compaq Elite 8300 USDT
- /docs/install/hp8460p.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 8460p
- /docs/install/hp8470p.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 8470p
- /docs/install/hp8560w.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook 8560w
- /docs/install/hp9470m.html: Install Libreboot on HP EliteBook Folio 9470m
- /docs/install/ich9utils.html: ich9utils
- /docs/install/: Install Libreboot Open Source BIOS/UEFI boot firmware
- /docs/install/ivy_has_common.html: Insert vendor files not included in Libreboot release images
- /docs/install/ivy_internal.html: Install Libreboot internally on Lenovo ThinkPad X230
- /docs/install/kcma-d8.html: Install Libreboot on ASUS KCMA-D8
- /docs/install/kfsn4-dre.html: Install Libreboot on ASUS KFSN4-DRE
- /docs/install/kgpe-d16.html: ASUS KGPE-D16 server/workstation board
- /docs/install/latitude.html: Install Libreboot on Dell Latitude laptops
- /docs/install/mac_address.html: Changing the MAC address
- /docs/install/macbook21.html: Install Libreboot on MacBook2,1 and MacBook1,1
- /docs/install/nvmutil.html: nvmutil usage instructions
- /docs/install/nvmutilimport.html: nvmutil import notes
- /docs/install/playstation.html: Install Libreboot Open BIOS on Sony PlayStation (PS1/PSX)
- /docs/install/r400.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad R400
- /docs/install/spi.html: Read/write 25XX NOR flash via SPI protocol
- /docs/install/spi.zh-cn.html: 通过 SPI 协议对 25XX NOR flash 进行读/写
- /docs/install/spi_generic.html: Generic SPI Flashing Guide for Libreboot Installation
- /docs/install/t1650.html: Install Libreboot on Dell Precision T1650
- /docs/install/t400.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad T400
- /docs/install/t420_external.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad T420
- /docs/install/t440p_external.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad T440p
- /docs/install/t480.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad T480 and/or T480s
- /docs/install/t500.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad T500 and/or W500
- /docs/install/t60_unbrick.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad T60
- /docs/install/w541_external.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad W541 and/or W540
- /docs/install/x200.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad X200 / X200s / X200 Tablet
- /docs/install/ Прошивка ThinkPad X200 вперше
- /docs/install/x230_external.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad X230/X230T
- /docs/install/x60_unbrick.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad X60
- /docs/install/x60tablet_unbrick.html: Install Libreboot on Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet
- /docs/linux/grub_boot_installer.html: Boot Linux distro installers on Libreboot
- /docs/linux/grub_cbfs.html: Modifying grub.cfg in CBFS
- /docs/linux/grub_hardening.html: Hardened GNU boot loader (GRUB payload)
- /docs/linux/: Boot GNU and Linux on a Libreboot system
- /docs/maintain/: LibreBoot MaKe (lbmk) build system design and maintenance manual
- /docs/maintain/porting.html: Porting Libreboot to new Intel-based motherboards
- /docs/maintain/ Керівництво перенесення
- /docs/maintain/style.html: LibreBoot MaKe (lbmk) build system coding style
- /docs/maintain/testing.html: Apply to become board maintainer/tester for Libreboot
- /docs/maintain/ Подати на становлення підтримувачем/випробувачем плати Libreboot
- /docs/misc/codenames.html: Product Codenames
- /docs/misc/emulation.html: Building Libreboot for Emulation e.g. QEMU
- /docs/misc/: Miscellaneous Libreboot documentation
- /docs/sitegen/: Libreboot Static Site Generator (lbssg)
- /docs/uboot/: U-Boot payload for Libreboot on x86 and ARM
- /docs/uboot/uboot-archlinux.html: Installing ArchLinuxARM on a Chromebook with Libreboot and U-Boot
- /docs/uboot/uboot-debian-bookworm.html: Debian Bookworm Install on Librebooted Samsung Chromebook Plus
- /docs/uboot/uboot-openbsd.html: OpenBSD Install Attempt on Librebooted Samsung Chromebook Plus
- /docs/uboot/uboot-x86.html: U-Boot x86 UEFI payload on Libreboot
- /download.html: Download Libreboot Free/Opensource BIOS/UEFI firmware
- / Завантаження
- /faq.html: Frequently Asked Questions about Libreboot firmware
- / Часті питання
- /freedom-status.html: Software and hardware freedom status for Libreboot Open Source BIOS/UEFI
- / Статус свободи програмного та апаратного забезпечення для кожної плати, яка підтримується Libreboot
- / Use Git and/or send patches to Libreboot
- /git.html: How to use Git and/or send patches to Libreboot
- / Огляд коду
- / Freie und Open Source BIOS/UEFI Firmware
- / Libre et Open Source BIOS/UEFI firmware
- / Libero e Open Source BIOS/UEFI firmware
- /: Free and Open Source BIOS/UEFI boot firmware
- / свободную, с открытым исходным кодом BIOS/UEFI прошивка
- / завантажувальну прошивку BIOS/UEFI прошивку
- /index.zh-cn.html: 自由且开源 BIOS/UEFI 固件
- /license.html: Copyright license for the Libreboot website
- /logo-license.html: Libreboot logo license
- / Ліцензія на логотип Libreboot
- /news/10.html: Libreboot 10-year anniversary and history
- /news/argon2.html: Encrypted /boot/ on LUKSv2 now possible in Libreboot GRUB (PHC argon2 imported)
- /news/ Зашифрований /boot/ на LUKSv2 тепер є можливим в Libreboot GRUB (PHC argon2 імпортовано)
- /news/audit.html: Libreboot build system audit plus next-release plans
- /news/audit2.html: Libreboot Build System Audit 2
- /news/audit3.html: Libreboot Build System Audit 3
- /news/audit4.html: Libreboot Build System Audit 4
- /news/audit5.html: Libreboot Build System Audit 5
- /news/audit6.html: Libreboot Build System Audit 6
- /news/codeberg.html: Libreboot Git repositories now on Codeberg (RIP Notabug)
- /news/e6400.html: Dell Latitude E6400 added to Libreboot (blob-free, no disassembly)
- /news/ Dell Latitude E6400 додано (вільна від блобів конфігурація)
- /news/e6400nvidia.html: Experimental Nvidia GPU support on Dell Latitude E6400 variants, plus E6400 XFR support now confirmed
- /news/fam15h.html: ASUS KGPE-D16, KCMA-D8 and KFSN4-DRE re-added to Libreboot
- /news/fedfree.html: How is hosted
- /news/freedom.html: What level of Software Freedom does Libreboot give me?
- /news/gm45microcode.html: GM45 no-microcode bug mitigations re-added (ThinkPad X200, T400 etc)
- /news/hp2170p.html: HP EliteBook 2170p support added to Libreboot
- /news/hp8200sff.html: HP Elite 8200 SFF support added to Libreboot (plus more desktops coming soon)
- /news/ Підтримка HP Elite 8200 SFF додана до Libreboot (плюс більше десктопів скоро)
- /news/hp820g2.html: HP EliteBook 820 G2 support added to Libreboot!
- /news/hp8470p_and_dell_t1650.html: HP EliteBook 8470p and Dell Precision T1650 support added to Libreboot
- /news/hp_elitebooks.html: HP EliteBook 2560p and Folio 9470m support added to Libreboot
- /news/: Libreboot news
- /news/kgpe-d16.html: ASUS KGPE-D16 hardware donation needed
- /news/libreboot20131212.html: Libreboot 20131212
- /news/libreboot20131213.html: Libreboot 20131213
- /news/libreboot20131214.html: Libreboot 20131214 release
- /news/libreboot20140221.html: Libreboot 20140221 release
- /news/libreboot20140309.html: Libreboot 20140309 release
- /news/libreboot20140605.html: Libreboot 20140605 release
- /news/libreboot20140611.html: Libreboot 20140611 release
- /news/libreboot20140622.html: Libreboot 20140622 release
- /news/libreboot20140711.html: Libreboot 20140711 release
- /news/libreboot20140716.html: Libreboot 20140716 release
- /news/libreboot20140720.html: Libreboot 20140720 release
- /news/libreboot20140729.html: Libreboot 20140729 release
- /news/libreboot20140811.html: Libreboot 20140811 release
- /news/libreboot20140903.html: Libreboot 20140903 release
- /news/libreboot20140911.html: Libreboot 20140911 release
- /news/libreboot20141015.html: Libreboot 20141015 release
- /news/libreboot20150124.html: Libreboot 20150124 release
- /news/libreboot20150126.html: Libreboot 20150126 release
- /news/libreboot20150208.html: Libreboot 20150208 release
- /news/libreboot20150518.html: Libreboot 20150518 release
- /news/libreboot20160818.html: Libreboot 20160818 release
- /news/libreboot20160902.html: Libreboot 20160902 release
- /news/libreboot20160907.html: Libreboot 20160907 release
- /news/libreboot20210522.html: Libreboot 20210522 released!
- /news/libreboot20211122.html: Libreboot 20211122 released!
- /news/libreboot20220710.html: Libreboot 20220710 released!
- /news/libreboot20221214.html: Libreboot 20221214 released!
- /news/libreboot20230319.html: Libreboot 20230319 released!
- /news/libreboot20230413.html: Libreboot 20230413 released!
- /news/libreboot20230423.html: Libreboot 20230423 released!
- /news/libreboot20230625.html: Libreboot 20230625 released!
- /news/libreboot20231021.html: Libreboot 20231021 released!
- /news/libreboot20231101.html: Libreboot 20231101 released!
- /news/libreboot20231106.html: Libreboot 20231106 released!
- /news/libreboot20240126.html: Libreboot 20240126 released!
- /news/libreboot20240225.html: Libreboot 20240225 released!
- /news/libreboot20240504.html: Libreboot 20240504 released!
- /news/libreboot20240612.html: Libreboot 20240612 released!
- /news/libreboot20241008.html: Libreboot 20241008 released! With PlayStation support!
- /news/libreboot20241206.Revisions.html: Libreboot 20241206 release revisions
- /news/libreboot20241206.html: Libreboot 20241206 released! ThinkPad T480 added. Plus U-Boot UEFI on x86. Fixes for OptiPlex 3050 Micro.
- /news/libreboot20241206rev10.html: Libreboot 20241206, 10th revision released! GRUB security fixes, better LVM scanning, non-root USB2 hub support
- /news/libreboot20241206rev8.html: Libreboot 20241206, 8th revision released! ThinkPad T480 backlight keys fixed, Pico 2 serprog support, other fixes
- /news/microcode.html: No-microcode ROMs available in next Libreboot release (new stable release soon!)
- /news/mirrors.html: New Git repositories added as backup Libreboot mirrors
- /news/ Binäre Blob Reduktions Richtlinie
- /news/policy.html: Binary Blob Reduction Policy
- /news/ Політика зменшення бінарних блобів
- /news/ports202402.html: NEW BOARDS: Dell OptiPlex 7020 9020 SFF/MT, HP EliteBook 8560w and more Dell Latitudes
- /news/safety.html: Safety issues updating Libreboot on Sandybridge/Ivybridge/Haswell
- /news/schedule.html: Formalised Libreboot 2025 release schedule
- /news/sourcehut.html: Libreboot mailing list and git mirror now available on sourcehut (
- /news/ Übersetzungen benötigt
- /news/translations.html: Translations wanted for the Libreboot website
- /news/update202308.html: August 2023: New coreboot, SeaBIOS and GRUB revisions in Libreboot (testers needed!)
- /news/usa-libre-part2.html: New Hampshire once again on the cusp of enshrining Software Freedom into law. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED.
- /news/usa-libre-part3.html: NEW New Hampshire software freedom bill hearing on 21 February 2023 needs your support!
- /news/usa-libre.html: New Hampshire (USA) may soon enshrine Software Freedom into law. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!
- /news/x201.html: ThinkPad X201 support removed from Libreboot
- /other.html: Other coreboot distributions providing Open Source BIOS/UEFI firmware
- /tasks/: Jobs that need doing in the Libreboot project
- /template-license.html: Template license
- / Ліцензія шаблона
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