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New releases are announced in the main news section.

If you’re more interested in libreboot development, go to the libreboot development page, which also includes links to the Git repositories. The page on /docs/maintain/ describes how Libreboot is put together, and how to maintain it. If you wish to build Libreboot from source, read this page.

Buy Libreboot pre-installed

If you want professional installation, Minifree Ltd sells Libreboot pre-installed on select hardware, and it also provides a Libreboot preinstall service if you want to send your machine in to have Libreboot installed for you.

Leah Rowe, the founder and lead developer of Libreboot, also owns and operates Minifree Ltd; sales provide funding for the Libreboot project.

Safety warning


GPG signing key

The latest release is Libreboot 20241008, under the testing directory.


Full key fingerprint: 8BB1 F7D2 8CF7 696D BF4F 7192 5C65 4067 D383 B1FF

This key is for Libreboot releases after the 20240126 release. It applies to all Libreboot releases from the year 2024, and it will expire (unless revoked early) on 26 December 2028.

Download the key here: lbkey.asc

Libreboot releases are signed using GPG.


Full key fingerprint: 98CC DDF8 E560 47F4 75C0 44BD D0C6 2464 FA8B 4856

This key is for Libreboot releases after the 20160907 release, and up to the Libreboot 20240126 release. This key expired during December 2023, so you should use the newer key (see above) for the releases after Libreboot 20240126.

Download the key here: lbkey.asc

Libreboot releases are signed using GPG.


This key is for Libreboot 20160907, and releases older than 20160907:

Full key fingerprint: CDC9 CAE3 2CB4 B7FC 84FD C804 969A 9795 05E8 C5B2

The GPG key can also be downloaded with this exported dump of the pubkey: lbkeyold.asc.

sha512sum -c sha512sum.txt
gpg --verify sha512sum.txt.sig

Git repository

Links to regular release archives are listed on this page.

However, for the absolute most bleeding edge up-to-date version of Libreboot, there is a Git repository that you can download from. Go here:

How to download Libreboot from Git

HTTPS mirrors

The latest release is Libreboot 20241008, under the testing directory.

These mirrors are recommended, since they use TLS (https://) encryption.

You can download Libreboot from these mirrors:

RSYNC mirrors

The following rsync mirrors are available publicly:

Are you running a mirror? Contact the libreboot project, and the link will be added to this page!

You can make your rsync mirror available via your web server, and also configure your own mirror to be accessible via rsync. There are many resources online that show you how to set up an rsync server.

How to create your own rsync mirror:

Useful for mirroring Libreboot’s entire set of release archives. You can put an rsync command into crontab and pull the files into a directory on your web server.

If you are going to mirror the entire set, it is recommended that you allocate at least 25GiB. Libreboot’s rsync is currently about 12GiB, so allocating 25GiB will afford you plenty of space for the future. At minimum, you should ensure that at least 15-20GiB of space is available, for your Libreboot mirror.

It is highly recommended that you use the mirror, if you wish to host an official mirror. Otherwise, if you simply want to create your own local mirror, you should use one of the other mirrors, which sync from

Before you create the mirror, make a directory on your web server. For example:

mkdir /var/www/html/libreboot/

Now you can run rsync, for instance:

rsync -avz --delete-after rsync:// /var/www/html/libreboot/

You might put this in an hourly crontab. For example:

crontab -e

Then in crontab, add this line and save/exit (hourly crontab):

0 * * * * rsync -avz --delete-after rsync:// /var/www/html/libreboot/

It’s extremely important to have the final forward slash (/) at the end of each path, in the above rsync command. Otherwise, rsync will behave very strangely.

NOTE: is not directly accessible by the public, except those whose IPs are whitelisted. For bandwidth reasons, the firewall running on blocks incoming rsync requests, except by specific IPs.

If you wish to run an rsync mirror, sync from one of the third party mirrors above and set up your mirror. You can then contact Leah Rowe, to have your IP addresses whitelisted for rsync usage - if the IP addresses match DNS A/AAAA records for your rsync host, this can be used. A script runs in an hourly crontab on, that fetches the A/AAAA records of whitelisted rsync mirrors, automatically adding rules permitting them to get through the firewall.

If you wish to regularly keep your rsync mirror updated, you can add it to a crontab. This page tells you how to use crontab:

HTTP mirrors

The latest release is Libreboot 20241008, under the testing directory.

WARNING: these mirrors are non-HTTPS which means that they are unencrypted. Your traffic could be subject to interference by adversaries. Make especially sure to check the GPG signatures, assuming that you have the right key. Of course, you should do this anyway, even if using HTTPS.

FTP mirrors

The latest release is Libreboot 20241008, under the testing directory.

WARNING: FTP is also unencrypted, like HTTP. The same risks are present.

Statically linked

Libreboot includes statically linked executables in some releases, built from the available source code. Those executables have certain libraries built into them, so that the executables will work on many Linux distros.

To comply with GPL v2, source ISOs are supplied by the Libreboot project. You can find these source ISOs in the ccsource directory on the rsync mirrors.

Libreboot releases past version 20160907 do not distribute statically linked binaries. Instead, these releases are source-only, besides pre-compiled ROM images for which the regular Libreboot source code archives suffice. These newer releases instead automate the installation of build dependencies, with instructions in the documentation for building various utilities from source.

These executables are utilities such as flashprog.

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